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About Us/ Company Info/ Company Profile

Company NameQDjapan Co., Ltd.
Main Office2-26-2-302, Okusawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-0083, Japan
Kawasaki LabAIRBIC A01, 7-7 Shin-Kawasaki, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa. Japann 212-0032
Date of Establishment18-Mar-22
Capital Stock166 million yen (including capital reserve)
Executive officerYoshiaki Fujimori, Chairman of the Board
Masahiro Takeda, President and Representative Director
Director, CTO Tadashi Kawamoto
Auditor,Koichi Tamura
BusinessQuantum dot technology-based renewable energy creation project

Robot Development with Axially Independent Rotation Two-Axis Free Intersection Technology

Discovery and cultivation of Japanese technology
Group companyTressbio Laboratory Co., Ltd.

Proprietary Technologies

Pyrite Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology

・Can be produced under normal temperature and pressure

・Rare metal-free

・Applied Products
  High-performance solar cell
  High-performance battery
  THz transceiver
  Colloidal quantum dots (CQDs)

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